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Promote fat loss and lose weight with cupping

Cupping is an ancient healing procedure and has been established over the centuries as an effective means of relieving pain. But what very few people know is that the method from traditional Chinese medicine can also help you lose weight. We explain how!

Cupping and weight loss

The media is full of tips for quick diets. However, this advice often only leads to an undesirable yo-yo effect. Because when your living conditions return to your old habits after the diet, the pounds will be back. Our customers have complained about this again and again.

A key to your permanent desired weight is the permanent metabolic activation.

Cupping can be of crucial help here because it promotes blood circulation, stimulates organs, removes toxins from the body and at the same time tightens the skin.

The negative pressure created during cupping promotes blood flow and thereby activates the metabolism.

Stimulating lymphatic flow through cupping also plays an important role in eliminating stressful toxins.

An active metabolism makes exercise easier and allows the body to tap into and use its fat reserves more effectively.

Briefly explained - what cupping is about

The method is very simple and is based on the use of cupping glasses. A short-term vacuum is created on the skin using a vacuum pump. The negative pressure creates its metabolism-activating effect at designated cupping points when applied for approx. 15 minutes. During a massage, especially dry cupping, the cupping heads are also slowly moved over a larger area - e.g. the back - in order to cover larger areas.

The treatment can have even more effect, which is why cupping massage is particularly popular when losing weight.

During cupping, the skin is specifically “included” because, as the largest organ, it provides a particularly large amount of surface area for visible effects. Once placed on the skin, so-called Head's zones are stimulated during cupping therapy in order to achieve the desired result. The typical bruises then appear on the treated areas, which disappear after a while.

But how exactly does cupping work to activate your metabolism and effectively reduce fat?

Metabolic activation through cupping

Metabolism, also known as metabolism, refers to all the chemical processes in our body that are necessary to maintain life. This includes all the processes that take place in our cells, including breaking down nutrients to produce energy and building cellular components. The targeted stimulation of the metabolism has a decisive influence on our fat loss.

How does it all work together?

Energy requirements

Our body needs energy for all functions, from thinking and moving to cell repair and regeneration. This energy is derived primarily from the breakdown of nutrients, particularly glucose. However, when we use more energy than we get from food, the body begins to break down fat reserves to meet energy needs.

When it comes to losing weight, that is of course exactly what we want to achieve.

Basalstoffwechselrate (BSR)

This is the amount of energy our body needs when resting.

When metabolism is boosted, BSR can increase, meaning more calories are burned even when we don't exercise.

This is exactly what happens with cupping, especially cupping massage. The effect of the therapy can be clearly seen after just a few applications.

muscle building

Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, even at rest.

A stimulated metabolism often promotes muscle building, especially when supported by physical activity and a high-protein diet. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns, which promotes fat loss.

Fat burning

An active metabolism optimizes the body's ability to use its own fat as an energy source. This means that during physical activity or even during periods of rest, more fat cells are used to generate energy.

Efficient use of nutrients

A stimulated metabolism improves the body's ability to efficiently utilize nutrients from food. This means less food is stored as fat and more is used for energy and building cells and tissues.

An increased or active metabolism increases the body's calorie consumption, promotes the use of fat reserves as an energy source, and thus supports the development of muscle mass, which in turn burns additional calories.

Therefore, stimulating metabolism is a key to successful fat loss

Types of cupping

Depending on the area of ​​application, blood cupping, dry cupping or a cupping massage can be used. If you have bloody cupping, you should first contact a therapist, alternative practitioner or a doctor you trust - especially about how to deal with hygiene.

In modern use, cupping is often used for the following ailments:

  1. Relief from muscle discomfort: Cupping can help reduce muscular tension.
  2. Treatment of back pain: Especially for pain in the neck and upper back.
  3. Help with digestive problems: It can relieve symptoms such as bloating and upset stomach.
  4. Reducing headaches and migraines.
  5. Relief from cold and flu symptoms.
  6. Cupping is used specifically to activate the metabolism.

For more in-depth information on the topic, please take a look at our article "Cupping: A traditional and modern natural healing procedure" an.

If you have any questions, you can of course contact us personally at any time.


Metabolism is a crucial factor in losing weight. By stimulating the metabolism, cupping can help support the weight loss process and maintain your desired weight over the long term.

Together with continuous exercise and a balanced diet, amazing results can be achieved.


At a glance: Things worth knowing about cupping

  • typical areas of application (Selection): Back pain, sciatica, digestive disorders, headaches, migraines
  • Treatment goals: Reduce pain, improve mobility, reduce inflammation, relieve tension and hardening, improve metabolism
  • Healing methods: dry cupping, bloody and fiery cupping, cupping massage
  • Cupping glasses: bell-shaped, with a round or oval, slightly bulging edge, various sizes, thick and thin-walled, glass or plastic

Everything for your cupping application

With our 42-piece cupping set Hidjama by Hansol Medical, you can easily perform most types of cupping, cupping even the most difficult parts of the body on your own, giving yourself the best healing experience.

When choosing cupping bells, you will receive different sizes for optimal use. The delivery and shipping of the items takes place from Germany. Our promise: If something breaks within two years, we will replace it immediately.

You will go to the shopping cart here. You pay the price conveniently using the payment method of your choice.

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