Schröpfen: Ein traditionelles und modernes Naturheilverfahren

Cupping: A traditional and modern natural healing procedure

Many people today are looking for ways to take care of their health outside of conventional medicine. The focus on methods that do not require tablets and vaccinations is gaining more attention again, especially since the pandemic. Awareness of traditional healing methods is increasing. Almost every second German is now increasingly relying on more natural healing methods.

A traditional alternative medicine therapy is currently experiencing a renaissance: cupping!

A focus of the work with cupping glasses is also dedicated to the topic of a healthy lifestyle, especially in the sense of prevention. Even professional athletes like Michael Phelps or Hollywood stars like Jennifer Aniston and Victoria Beckham use the performance-enhancing benefits or the anti-aging effect on a selected area of ​​skin, such as the face.


Prevention is becoming more important

With a view to the German healthcare system, preventative measures are now increasingly the focus of users. Current surveys show that only very few Germans view the development of our healthcare system positively. Most people assume that it will become more difficult to obtain excellent health care at affordable prices in the future.

Maintaining your own health and actively taking care of your body is becoming more and more popular.

Cupping has a preventive effect - everyone can use it at home

Cupping is one of the oldest treatment methods in medical history and can now easily be used by anyone privately. Cupping's great quality is particularly evident in the area of ​​pain therapy. Less tablets, more nature.

In recent years it is regaining popularity due to these health benefits.

The practical application of creating a vacuum on the skin has been used in various cultures for centuries and continues to gain popularity in the field of alternative medicine.

Cupping and scientific studies

The relevance of cupping as a form of therapy is dedicated to the Essen University Hospital in its own center for naturopathy and integrative medicine. For over 20 years, they have been combining conventional medicine and naturopathy/mind-body medicine to develop holistic applications for people. Cupping is one of them.

The pain-relieving effect was proven early on in our own research study. While bloody cupping had a very immediate effect after the treatment (the pain was significantly less the day after treatment), dry cupping's effect gradually developed after the 4th treatment. A significant treatment effect was detectable in both forms, some of which remained positive for weeks after treatment.

Evaluation of effectiveness and tolerability

The participants in the study were also asked what changes they noticed after cupping therapy (excerpt):

  • almost pain-free in the neck area
  • Shoulders are freer
  • slight improvement in pain and mobility
  • the pain subsided during/after the treatment (almost pain-free for 2 days)
  • no more tension
  • A very liberated feeling in the shoulder and neck area for a few days
  • Mobility and pain better
  • The day after it was better, from the 4th day onwards it was worse again. dentist
  • Feeling of warmth after the treatment, pain-free until the evening
  • Neck was freer and lighter, but it cracks when I move
  • immediate pain reduction
  • Headaches have thankfully subsided, shoulder pain only after severe ones
  • Stress, looser movement of the upper body, tension in the shoulder are released
  • I felt warm in my shoulder and neck area
  • Main pain point has been resolved
  • Tensions have shifted


The result

Almost 90% of the study participants would seek further treatment. The number of people who would recommend cupping treatment is even slightly higher.

Possible uses for cupping glasses

The Association of German Alternative Practitioners (BDH) e.V. lists a number of application examples in which cupping treatment (bloody, dry or massage) can be helpful. Basically, e.g. B. can be positively influenced:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • High blood pressure or low blood pressure
  • Bronchitis
  • Depressive moods
  • Inflammatory processes (acute and chronic)
  • Biliary diseases (functional, i.e. without organic cause)
  • Heart problems (functional, i.e. without an organic cause)
  • Lumbago
  • Hormonal imbalances (imbalance)
  • Impotence (erectile dysfunction)
  • Headache
  • Liver diseases (e.g. fatty liver, functional liver weakness)
  • Pulmonary emphysema (congestion in the lungs and bronchial areas)
  • menstrual cramps
  • migraine
  • Middle ear infection
  • Fatigue (chronic)
  • muscle tension
  • Neuralgia (nerve pain)
  • Kidney disease
  • Upper abdominal discomfort
  • Osteoporosis pain
  • Back pain
  • weakness (chronic)
  • infertility
  • Soft tissue rheumatism
  • Digestive disorders (e.g. constipation)
  • Menopausal symptoms

Contraindications/contraindications, side effects and risks

"Cupping is not allowed in the case of acute inflammation of the relevant skin area, allergic skin changes, blood clotting or wound healing disorders, over scars or birthmarks, in the area of ​​radiation therapy and in patients who are taking blood-thinning medication (e.g. Marcumar). Patients with very low blood pressure Blood pressure or a tendency to collapse should be discussed in advance with your treating alternative practitioner." (Source: BDH)

Cupping has a tradition - where does the approach come from?

Cupping is one of the oldest therapeutic procedures. Today we can find references to their use that are over 5,000 years old on Mesopotamian medical seals. Ancient Greece even knows a god of cupping - Telesphorus - who was the son of Asclepius, the god of healing. The healing effect of negative pressure procedures using a cupping glass has long been known to our ancestors. The first cupping aids used were animal horns, for example, which were opened at the top for sucking.

The cupping bell even featured an emblem of doctors. We also find cupping as part of therapeutic measures in ancient Egypt, China and Indian applications of Ayurveda.

Cupping is one of the therapeutic procedures from a naturopathic perspective. The goal is to remove harmful substances or substances that cause illness from the body. A distinction is made between bloody cupping, dry cupping and the Cupping head massage.


Cupping glass application: what happens?

During cupping, cupping glasses are placed on the skin and a vacuum is created underneath them. It is mainly used on the back (more rarely, for example over the liver, on the chest, stomach or thighs).

The human body gets rid of harmful substances primarily through the kidneys and sweat. A healthy person excretes around 0.5-1l of fluid per day through the skin. Often more for physically strenuous activities. Cupping makes use of this mechanism by specifically removing pollutants through the skin. The skin is therefore also known as the “third kidney” and is our largest organ.

In the cupped area, blood circulation is stimulated, the vessels are dilated and the underlying tissue is loosened. This improves the removal of damaging metabolic end products, pain and tension dissolve and the body's self-regulating powers are stimulated.

There are zones on the back in particular - so-called cupping zones (Head's zones), which are considered reflex points and are connected to our organs. Cupping has a positive effect on this connection between the external and internal world and ensures an improved flow of the systems.

Cupping involves placing “glasses” on the skin to create suction. The areas and vessels beneath the skin expand. The jars are often spherical with a circular opening and about three inches in diameter. The vacuum created by cupping draws blood to the surface of the skin, which is said to help promote healing.

Additional advantages

Cupping stimulates our immune system and has a harmonizing influence on our nervous system (vegetative change). Cupping can have a stimulating and stimulating effect on general weakness (asthenia) and fatigue.

Other forms of cupping

Cupping is often recommended to treat various health problems, most notably back pain, headaches, arthritis, and even skin conditions. In addition to the traditional form of creating a vacuum on the skin, there is so-called fire cupping. The known negative pressure is created with the help of a flame, i.e. heat on the cupping glass. The results are similar.

However, simpler methods than fire cupping are recommended for private use, as the cupping heads become very hot and can cause burns.

What should I pay attention to when using it?

Although cupping is considered relatively safe and easy to use, there are some things that should be taken into account. If you are unsure, you can first have the treatment carried out by a trained specialist or doctor. This is particularly recommended for beginners when it comes to bloody cupping or a cupping massage.

When using it, it must be ensured that the entire set, i.e. all devices used, are clean and sterile. Alcohol before, during and immediately after treatment is of course taboo.

Everything for your cupping application

With our 42-piece cupping set Hidjama by Hansol Medical, you can easily perform most types of cupping, cupping even the most difficult parts of the body on your own, giving yourself the best healing experience.

When choosing cupping bells, you will receive different sizes for optimal application. The delivery and shipping of the items takes place from Germany. Our promise: If something breaks within two years, we will replace it immediately.

You will go to the shopping cart here. You pay the price conveniently using the payment method of your choice.


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