Cupping therapy, also simply called cupping, is a natural detoxification therapy that removes toxins from the body, improves blood circulation and promotes overall health.
This article is about how the process works and what you should pay attention to when carrying it out.
Alternative healing method far away from conventional medicine
Dry cupping or a cupping massage can easily be used at home. You should have blood cupping carried out by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner with experience.
Cupping is based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years (see also our article “Cupping: A traditional and modern natural healing procedure”).
General preparation
Before the treatment, the areas to be cupped are felt to identify so-called gelatinous areas (hardening of the skin). The nature of the cups depends on which cupping technique is best suited: dry cupping is more likely to be used for so-called cold cups (deeper hardenings), blood cupping is more likely to be used for hot cups (bulging, easy to feel on the surface).
In general, dry cupping is particularly suitable when pain needs to be eliminated. Bloody cupping is used to relieve pressure on the body and organs.
Preparation, especially for bloody cupping
Basically, it is always advisable not to eat too much food before the treatments. Cupping on a full stomach puts unnecessary strain on the body.
After the cupping treatment, we recommend a type of diet in which you largely avoid animal products - it is best to eat a vegan diet for a short time. Dairy and protein products, not just meat, but actually all dairy products, yoghurt and so on, should be avoided because this can have a negative impact on wound healing.
Rule of thumb: A vegan day after therapy is good so that the body can regenerate faster.
In the case of a dry cupping treatment or a cupping massage, this procedure is not quite as crucial. Here, too, it is advisable not to put unnecessary strain on the body, as the treatment procedure is intended to stimulate lymphatic flow and blood circulation and to eliminate toxins. The more your body can fully concentrate on it, the better it works.
Areas of application: Where are the best cupping zones
Cupping primarily takes place on the back and there are specific reasons for this.
Our muscles on the back work relatively slowly. This means that in this area - and there is a relatively large amount of muscle there - the human metabolism is also the slowest.
The toxins that we all inevitably consume in everyday life can easily accumulate in this region. The body does not have the opportunity to eliminate the substances on its own, so they accumulate. The vessels are full of it and at some point it also puts strain on the organs. All sorts of substances simply remain there until a certain threshold is exceeded, which the body can no longer compensate for.
These deposits can promote diseases such as high blood pressure, rheumatism, diabetes and much more, which often initially manifest themselves as diffuse pain.
Bloody cupping is a preventive measure to remove exactly these toxins.
There are - and this is extremely exciting - specific reflex points. For example, we have a heart point, we have a point for the lungs, a point for the thyroid and also for the liver, the spleen and for the kidneys. By placing the suction cups at these points on the back, you can directly influence internal organs and use cupping to provide targeted relief.
Even someone who has no symptoms accumulates enough toxin-rich slag that should be sensibly removed.
Practical application: Place cupping heads on the skin
The cupping heads - these can be glasses or special plastic - are placed on the skin. The negative pressure is generated by a pump and the skin is sucked into the resulting vacuum.
The blood flow then increases noticeably within a radius of 10 to 15 centimeters. In this area the skin turns blue. This also happens when you choose dry cupping. This is a desired and safe effect.
This is exactly when the desired effect occurs because the slag and lymph that have accumulated there can be drained away.
At the end of the application, the cupping vessels come off again. The negative pressure is released and the familiar round bruises remain for a short time in the treated area.
With bloody cupping, the surface of the skin is first opened superficially, e.g. scratched, in order to drain the lymph with the toxins from the tissue and collect it in the cupping glass.
Effectiveness - What do we want to achieve?
When cupping we want to get the lymph with the toxins out of the tissue. And that's actually the exciting thing: we don't want the blood that flows in the veins, we actually want this interstitial fluid.
With this method of cupping we provide the body, especially the organs, with a lot of relief.
Dry cupping is primarily about reducing or eliminating pain.
At a glance: Things worth knowing about cupping
- typical areas of application (Selection): Back pain, sciatica, digestive disorders, headaches, migraines
- Treatment goals: Reduce pain, improve mobility, reduce inflammation, relieve tension and hardening
- Healing methods: dry cupping, bloody (fiery) cupping, cupping massage
- Cupping glasses: bell-shaped, with a round or oval, slightly bulging edge, various sizes, thick and thin-walled, glass or plastic
Everything for your cupping application
With our 42-piece cupping set Hidjama by Hansol Medical, you can easily perform most types of cupping, cupping even the most difficult parts of the body on your own, giving yourself the best healing experience.
When choosing cupping bells, you will receive different sizes for optimal application. The delivery and shipping of the items takes place from Germany. Our promise: If something breaks within two years, we will replace it immediately.
You will go to the shopping cart here. You pay the price conveniently using the payment method of your choice.