Cupping, one of the oldest treatment methods in medical history, is still surrounded by numerous myths. The popular healing process has its origins in “Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)”.
In this article we explain how typical bruises occur, what they mean and whether they are dangerous.
What is cupping and what does it help with?
Cupping involves placing cups (made of glass or plastic) on the skin to create a vacuum on the skin's surface. The resulting negative pressure “sucks” the skin and thus relieves pain and tension, among other things.
But what exactly happens during a cupping treatment and why do bruises often occur?
Natural healing methods: More than just a trend
Since Michael Phelps swam to gold again at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio, most spectators have wondered what the strange bruises on his skin are. Apparently it didn't do any harm, on the contrary - in Rio he won his 19th to 22nd gold medal. He is still the most successful swimmer of all time.
Phelps himself attributes part of this recipe for success in Rio De Janeiro to cupping. The visible bruising, which was seen in a large area of his back, shoulders and legs, is from the cupping glasses placed there. After the application, the typical bruises remained, which were neither painful nor performance-reducing.
Thanks to its use on the big Olympic stage, interest in cupping grew rapidly and continues to this day.
Healing method: cupping treatment in detail
Cupping involves placing spherical “glasses” with a circular opening on the skin. The vacuum created draws blood to the surface of the skin. This promotes blood circulation, dilates the vessels and loosens the underlying tissue. The removal of damaging metabolic end products is improved, which helps relieve pain and tension. There are certain zones, especially on the back, that are considered reflex points and are connected to our organs. By cupping these zones, the flow of the systems is positively influenced.
Bruises – A sign of healing
By using cupping, toxins are removed from the body, especially from the back area. Alternative practitioners also recommend the treatment to relieve pressure on internal organs.
Our lymphatic system runs comparatively slowly on the back, which is why toxins can accumulate particularly extensively here. These high amounts of toxins, which can lead to illness and put a strain on the body, are particularly effectively removed through cupping in these regions. That's why the preferred zone for this therapy is the back.
A common phenomenon after cupping is the typical bruises or petechiae. These are caused by the strong vacuum that causes the capillaries in the skin to burst. These spots are usually painless and disappear on their own after a few days. They are a sign that the treatment is working and blood circulation is being stimulated.
With bloody cupping, the skin is also lightly scratched before application in order to ensure that the toxins are drained away particularly intensively. Sterile lancets are suitable for opening the skin because they prevent the risk of scarring and infection due to the smaller opening sizes.
When carrying out this form of therapy, the cupping vessels are placed with the aim of providing the lymphatic vessels with a lot of relief and resolving hardening.
Naturopathy and scientific support
The relevance of cupping was examined in a separate research study at the University Hospital Essen. The results showed a significant pain-relieving effect, which was sometimes still noticeable for weeks after the treatment. Almost 90% of the study participants would seek further treatment.
Professional associations and conventional medicine also agree: cupping is not only relevant in practice with regard to the specific removal of toxins - but also as a cupping massage is particularly effective in the area of relaxation and regeneration.
Areas of application and voices from practice
Cupping is not just used to relieve pain. It also stimulates the immune system and has a harmonizing effect on the nervous system. It is recommended for a variety of ailments including back pain, headaches, arthritis and even skin conditions.
“The aim is to remove harmful or disease-causing substances from the body,” explains Ursula Hilpert-Mühlig, President of the Association of German Alternative Practitioners (source:
Bruises may form in the treated areas. “This is therapeutically intended”, emphasizes the doctor Matthias Menschel, who specializes in natural healing methods (source:
Almost every medical culture has practiced cupping independently,” explains Rainer Stange, President of the Central Association of Doctors for Naturopathy and Regulatory Medicine (Source:
Safety and precautions
When using it, ensure that all equipment used is clean and sterile. If you are initially unsure or would like to seek advice, you can do so from your trusted doctor. Doctors who already use alternative healing methods are recommended.
In summary, cupping is an effective and natural method for relieving pain and promoting overall well-being. The bruises that may result are normal, expected and desired part of the healing process.
Everything for your cupping application
With our 42-piece cupping set Hidjama by Hansol Medical, you can easily perform most types of cupping, cupping even the most difficult parts of the body on your own, giving yourself the best healing experience.
When choosing cupping bells, you will receive different sizes for optimal application. The delivery and shipping of the items takes place from Germany. Our promise: If something breaks within two years, we will replace it immediately.
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